

Making Films 

A great film changes life and changes the world.

We produce and distribute films that contain the nature of human beings

that improve human character.  

 96 Films

What is my True Self! 

"Where do you smoke?

"In the toilet." 


"It helps me think." 

This movie is about the restoration of 

Jin-A's life, who was a gangster that did 

all kinds of bad things. No one could 

imagine that cigarettes would be a source 

of information. I was always a bad guy, 

but people do not call me a bad guy.

What is this place for?

 The Last Words of Socrates

Bring a cock to Asclepios’ is the last word of Socrates.

Four elders talked about finding the

meaning of the last word.

Can the  elders find Socrates’secret and get the key to life and death?

Will they be able to escape the fear of


Glden Millet Seed

Fighting continues on Earth without being

stopped. No one knows when the earth will explode.

Leaders all over the world are trying to find a solution.

They realized that they must find Golden

Millet’s Seed in order to achieve world

peace. But only a pure child can go there....

Logical Circuit of Life as the Infinitely

Expanding Great Law 

The best scholar of artificial intelligence is

Dr. Jung, who encountered its limit There is

only one flaw in his perfect life.

During a twisted situation, he encountered

a teacher while he was looking for

a breakthrough.

As he learned the facts he learned about the history of mankind.

And, his twisted life slowly got better.

Form is Emptiness,Emptiness is Form

Form :  Visible phenomenon

Emptiness : The essence of nothing

This movie delivers a message about

the uniqueviewofemptinesswhich is

the essence and the color in which


The Scenario of True Nature

This is a true story.
After the death of my father, my brother and brother have a fight over their property. The spark of the fight that has been going down since our ancestors. Use human nature to solve it well.