

Great Big Story of CNN
  • Writer 관리자
  • Views 6184
2020-04-03 15:20:14

The documentary title ACROSS means "crossing the boundaries of the world through a movie”.

Sermon on the Mount has been addressed worldwide as a symbol of world peace for religious harmony,

Great Big Story of the US CNN has produced and broadcasted the documentary ACROSS about a film director and Buddhist monk,

Daehae and her film Sermon on the Mount.

The documentary title ACROSS means "crossing the boundaries of the world through a movie”.

“Making a film means breaking down the personal boundaries, and as a Buddhist,

dealing with the crucial story of Christianity Sermon on the Mount means breaking down the boundaries of the world.”

This documentary was screened at the 23rd Korea Pusan International Film Festival on 5 October 2018,

as well as at the 25th Austin Film Festival on 27 October 2018; it was released by CNN's Great Big Story on 5 November 2018 and broadcasted all over the world.

It has also been broadcasted in more than 70 media channels throughout the United States.

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